Contact Us


1300 1 Group (47687)



Level 1, 22-24 Regent Street,

Kogarah NSW 2217

Online Enquiry

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One Group Legal

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Become A Client

Lets Work Together


We've built a simple Three-step process to gather information, set a budget and enter into a working relationship.



1. Consultation

If you want to review your legal needs with one of our lawyers, please book a consultation.


2. New Client Intake Form

The first step is filling out our convenient online intake form. This form gathers the information we will need to open your file and prepare a Legal Services Agreement.



3. Follow Up & Budgeting

Once we review the information you provide and complete an initial conflicts check, we will reach out by telephone or email to gather any additional information we may need. We will discuss your matter and set out a budget for legal services. If you want to discuss this before filling out the New Client Intake Form, that's ok too. Just give us a call or send an email to


Making it Convenient For Our Clients

The first step in becoming a client is providing the information we will need to open your file, complete a Client information sheet.

Online Enquiry
Personal Details
Given Names *
Surname *
Mobile *
Home Phone
Email Address *
Residential Address *
Suburb, State & Postcode *
Mailing Address (if different to above)
Date of Birth
City & Country of Birth
Company Details ( Please complete this section if you are acting in the capacity of a director of a registered Australian company)
Company Name
Mailing Address (if different to above)
Trust Details ( Please complete this section if you are acting in the capacity of a trustee of a trust)
Name of Trustee
Name of Trust
Mailing Address (if different to the above)
If you are a new client, please let us know how you heard of One Group Legal
* Required fields